After a couple of months of searching a company asked me to come in for an interview. So one day I came in and sat down in the meeting room with Olivier the project manager and Florent who is now my internship supervisor. We discussed quite a few things, they asked me about my motivations for joining a web development team like theirs. wich went a bit like this:

"I started web development around the age of thirteen, the first website I ever made was one to download the Pokemon ROMs (digital version of the old GameBoy cartridges), it looked horrible and was built using Adobe Dreamweaver and Paint mostly. It was mainly HTML, CSS with a bit of PHP so nothing special but at that point, I was hooked and have never stopped being interested in computer science" Me

Apparently, my story was convincing enough because they gave me a 2-month internship starting July. The company is called Avril Consulting but I'll come back to that later.